How To Buy a Plot in Kenya from the USA in 3 Easy Steps!

Are you in the US and thinking about investing a piece of land in Kenya? It might seem like a daunting process, but it’s actually easy and more doable than you think. If you’re thinking about how to buy plot Kenya from USA, then you are in the right place! This article will break this down into 3 easy-to-follow steps to help make your journey to becoming a landowner as smooth as can be.

Why Buy a Plot in Kenya While in the Diaspora?

For starters, investing in a nice plot in Kenya from the US is a fantastic way to secure your future and keep connected to your ancestral roots. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re thinking about building a home, starting a business on the property or just owning a little bit of your motherland. And the best part is, you don’t have to wait until you’re back in Kenya to make this happen. 

You can buy a plot in Kenya from the US!

Steps to Buy a Plot in Kenya from the USA

Now, buying a piece of land in Kenya from the US is actually pretty simple.

Here are the 3 easy steps on how you can buy plot Kenya from USA:

Step 1: Find a Good Real Estate Company in Kenya & Book Your Plot

The first step as you buy plot Kenya from USA online to find reliable real estate companies in Kenya with a strong reputation and positive customer feedback. Since you’re buying from the diaspora, you should look at finding a company that can demonstrate a commitment to transparency throughout the buying process. 

At Fusion Estates, we cater specifically to the needs of Kenyans living abroad including the US. You can check out our diaspora investments page where you can find plots for sale in the Nairobi Metropolis and different parts of Kenya.

Once you’ve found the ideal plot, you’ll typically need to secure it by filling out a plot purchase  reservation form (this can be done online). 

Step 2: Make Payment & Prepare Documents

Following the reservation, you’ll need to make the required financial payments according to the agreed terms. 

During this phase, you’ll typical need to compile the necessary paperwork, which usually includes:

  • A copy of your national ID card or passport
  • A KRA PIN for tax-related matters
  • Recent passport-sized photographs

Step 3: Complete Paperwork & Receive Your Title Deed

You can then finish the transaction by submitting the completed sale agreements and any additional documentation needed. 

Upon successful completion of the paperwork, you will receive your title deed within the stipulated time frame depending on the real estate company in Kenya you’re the plot from.

This official document confirms your legal ownership of the land in Kenya.

Challenges to Expect & How to Overcome Them

It’s worth noting that buying a plot in Kenya from the US can come with some hurdles. Here are some of the issues you should be wary about:

  • Fraudsters: It’s important to watch out for fraudulent activities that often target Kenyans living in the Diaspora. It’s thus smart to work with top reputable companies like Fusion Estates to avoid getting conned as you try to make your investments!
  • Complex Procedures: You might find the documentation process daunting.  Again, engaging a top real estate company with proper structures to support Kenyans living in the diaspora will be easier. Well, Fusion Estates that has dedicated offerings with reputable firms which provide guidance can help streamline this part of the transaction.
  • Currency Fluctuations: You should also keep an eye on changes in exchange rates to ensure your payments align with what you intend to spend as you buy a plot in Kenya.

Wrapping up

In a nutshell, owning a piece of land in Kenya is a smart way to secure your future. At  Fusion Estates, we’re here to make sure that you can buy plot Kenya from USA in a few easy steps. 

Just get in touch with us via +254 723 97 97 97 or and we’ll turn your dream of owning a plot in Kenya into reality!

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