How To Buy Land in Kenya Online in 6 Essential Steps

The real estate landscape in Kenya is evolving with the changing technology that’s it’s now quite easy to buy land online from wherever you are! Yes, you can buy a piece of land in Nairobi or other regions from the comfort of your own home or even from overseas! If you’re wondering how to navigate your way around the process, then you’re in the right place! This 6-step guide will tell you everything about how to buy plot online Kenya in Nairobi and any other part of the country, particularly if you’re living in the Diaspora and looking to invest back home.

Is it Possible to Buy Plot Online in Kenya?

Yes, it’s very much possible to buy a plot in Kenya online! 

This can come in quite handy if you’re a Kenyan living in the diaspora in places like the US, UK, Australia, Saudi Arabia or any and you want to buy land to build a future home or for speculation. 

All you need to do is to simply find a trustworthy real estate company in Kenya 

that lets you handle all the land purchase transactions online from the comfort of where you are.

Tip: You definitely want to work with a company that’s well-known or rather, a trusted land selling company and this is where Fusion Estates stands out in the market.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Buy Land in Kenya Online

Now, you’re probably wondering about the steps to buy plot online in Kenya.

Let’s take you through this 6 step guide to buying a plot:

  • Step 1: Find a Plot from a Trusted Real Estate Comaby-Again, the first key step is to find a trusted real estate company that lets you buy plot online in Kenya.

    At Fusion Estates we let you do everything from making a plot reservation to making the payments from where you are through the website and wire transfers

    Once you find a good land selling company, you can take time to explore available projects and pick the plots that suit your requirements. 

Generally speaking, the best place to buy plot online Kenya include the likes of Kikuyu, Kitengela and other fast-growing parts of the country

  • Step 2: Book Your Plot-Once you find the plot you like, you’ll typically secure it by filling out what’s known as a reservation form. This is simply done to reserve the plot for you while you complete the payment process..
  • Step 3: Make Payment-Next, you’ll need to complete the payment for the plot within the agreed time. This confirms your reservation and officially means that you’ve purchased the plot. The payment process can also be done online or via a wire transfer for convenience.
  • Step 4: Prepare Your Documents-You can then gather all the necessary documents required to complete the purchase paperwork, such as your ID, KRA Pin, and passport-sized photos.
  • Step 5: Complete Paperwork-After preparing your documents, you’ll typically be required to fill out and fill the required forms and the sale agreement. This step legally transfers the land ownership to you.
  • Step 6: Get Your Title Deed-Finally, you’ll receive the official title deed for your plot within the agreed time depending on the real estate company you’re buying from.
    This deed serves as proof of ownership and marks the completion of your land purchase.


That’s about how to buy plot online Kenya in Nairobi or other parts of Kenya. It’s that easy, albeit you should be careful and not fall for land sale scams on the internet. Make sure you work with a trusted land selling company in Kenya like Fusion Estates to ensure that the process is smooth and that your money is safe.

Contact us via +254 723 97 97 97 or to explore more about how you can buy plot online from where you are around the world!

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